Good Vibrations gets Divine with Janet Conner part 2

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GVK continues the conversation about Divine Guidance with Janet Conner because we were all so fired up about what that means to each of us. Janet reminds us that quiet and solitude are the best way to receive Divine Guidance.  It is the easiest way to be that open channel. For her, quiet is in the shower, driving or early morning, just as she is coming up from the delta sleep It was during this time that Janet heard a voice that told her ~ ‘your soul wants 5 things’

to connect with Source, to commit to value, to serve a purpose, to express yourself, your soul wants to create life.

Since that voice spoke to her, Janet has been creating courses to implement these five things into your life, and I will add, to add them with Joy!

We discuss that we, as souls, decide to come here! We decide to incarnate and be this person in this life at this time. Being You is the only thing that you have to do. Being You is a very important piece of the puzzle of life. I think this is a very important realization. So, often we hear or we say, ‘I didn’t ask to come here’, ‘I didn’t ask to be born’. No so my friends, not so.  

We talk about the fact that everyone Creates!!! Janet’s books and seminars and courses are from the original teachings of Buddha (Lotus) and Jesus (Lily), who taught how to create a beautiful and abundant life in the exact same way. I believe that Janet is living her Divine purpose by opening our awareness to a way to consciously create with Divinity.

Above is a picture of Divine Guidance in my life this week that was presented in a way that I would see and receive it ~ I had a very emotionally challenging week with my 12 year old daughter. She is having deep emotions as she moves into this new facet of her growth, and she is still learning how to feel her feelings in a productive way. What that really means is that we had a week of turbulence and tears. By the end of the week, I was exhausted and was feeling very depleted and frankly a bit separate from the Divine. On Sunday, I began to cook a gourmet meal for the family, starting first with slicing an onion. When I got to the center of the onion, above is what I found ~two hearts!!!!!!

I understood. I am lovingly watched over, I am loved and all is in Divine order. No matter what struggles we are faced with, our access to that Divine love is everywhere and it is our birthright to tap in and receive..

the Lotus and the Lily teleseminar

listen to the podcast and tune into the Divine