GVK and environmental superhero, Michael Green

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To work in the paradigm of giant corporations is no easy task. But, to then work to raise the consciousness of those corporations and move them into mindful behavior toward our earth takes a superhero. And that is where Michael Green, executive director of the Center for Environmental Health, comes in.

Superhero environmentalist by day, mild-mannered husband and father by night ~ Michael Green may perform his identities in reverse of Superman but make no mistake about it, he is Superman ~ for our Mother Earth. Not only did Michael work with the Dalai Lama, but, he also brings corporations to task on harmful chemical use to ensure a healthy environment for all to live and thrive in.

to learn more about Michael Green and how the Center for Environmental Health makes your world a safer, cleaner place to live in, please follow the embedded link below


Working to raise the consciousness of people around the importance of a clean environment takes courage and perseverance. Not getting discouraged in the face of all that we have to clean up on this earth definitely takes superhuman effort! As I drive around New Jersey and see the clear cutting of our forests to create another estate, I feel despair. The wildlife in our state have no where to go and nothing to eat as we build and build and build.  New hunting allowances go into effect to take care of the animals that “encroach” on the houses that used to be the wildlife’s home and feeding grounds. Garbage floats around the streets and people walk around it. Sigh. When will we understand the importance of taking care of our planet? Even though I pick up the garbage, I sometimes think, ‘I am only one person, does it even matter that I pick this up’? But, it does matter. Michael Green reminds me that it does. He told Megan and I that working with the Dalai Lama helped him not become so attached to the outcome. For those of us who don’t have that honor, how do we get there to that place?

I often reread this interview with Martin Luther King Jr, when I feel down or fearful ~


Dr. King’s strength, passion and determination remind me that one person can change the world for the better. And so I will continue to pick up the garbage, and I am hoping that all of you are doing the same. Whether we pick up floating garbage, are mindful about the products that we wash our dishes & clothing with, support organic farming or are full time environmentalists we are raising the consciousness around how to be in and treat our Earth.  And every action in the vibration of mindfulness counts. And I find that the more aware people are, the more they want to be a part of the solution. We can not become enlightened until we are illumed ~So, Thank You Michael Green for raising the consciousness of the industrial world and for being a hero to our Earth…

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