GVK brings in Divine Love with Mariel Hemmingway on Valentines Day

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Mariel Hemingway
shared her thoughts on Divinity, and Love with GVK and Megan and I couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate Valentines Day!  Mariel has two new creative endeavors in the world ~ Running From Crazy  and Running With Nature and I relate to both!

For a good part of my life, I was running from the abuse and sorrow of my teen life. Through some synchronistic events (a friend giving me Out on a Limb by Shirley MacLaine for starters) I found myself understanding my past in a spiritual/psychic way. That lead to many epiphanies and an expanded awareness which ultimately lead to the Divine. That awareness shifted my perspective and taught me to stop running with pain and begin running with a spiritual life. Whew! 

And what does that have to do with Love? EVERYTHING!! The Divine is the omnipresent, omnipotent Love force of our Universe. That epiphany came to me as a remembering at my first LaHo~Chi session and brought me to a place of peace that I had not felt on this Earth before.

So, on this Valentines Day, celebrate Love. Whether it is with a life partner, a friend, a parent, a child, an animal, with Mother Earth herself or a Higher Power of your understanding. Celebrate because the Divine Loves you for who you are. And who you are is someone that No One else can be on this Earth, ever. 

Mariel and her life partner, Bobby, celebrate with Mother Earth every day with mindful practices around food, exercise, each other and ultimately with the world. Mariel shared a poem of Love by Bobby at the end of our conversation and it is beautiful, so enjoy!

to learn more about Mariel Hemingway and the her fabulous new projects follow the link below ~


run with Divine Love on this podcast