GVK divinely conversing with Caroline Fairless part 2

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It is always fun to be so involved in our conversation that we want to continue into the following week! Continuing on the path of how the Divine shows up, Caroline Fairless, brings us to learning from the Earth on how to “be” in a Divine way. We touched on how in the winter things seem to be “dead” but, in fact things are merely sleeping, resting, gestating and going within to become ready for the explosion of Spring.  Quiet time of winter gives us permission to be spend more time on the things we do not easily find time for in the warmer weather. And what does that have to do with the Divine? Well, in the past, I had trouble sitting in the stillness of the winter. I would often find myself feeling “blue” and restless. On one very, very quiet winter I was thinking that maybe my Higher Self and All That Is had forgotten about me. I moped around for a few months and then just gave in to the quiet. I meditated in the quiet, and at that time could not “hear” the Divine’s call. I continued my intense (always!!) conversations with All That Is. Still, I heard nothing. Sigh. Then on a whim, I bought some pussywillow branches. I threw them in water, also on a whim, because they are no longer living so they don’t need water. Then I put them in a corner. I walked by them for a month truly appreciating their soft beauty until one day I noticed what looked like white mold in the water around the branches. I thought ‘oh no! I’ve left them in the water too long’. So I pulled them out of the water and to my astonishment, saw that the white surrounding the branches were hundreds of roots!! A friend was visiting that day and she said to me, “Kristin, God is talking to you.” Yes, I said, I know. And I did. It was a powerful affirmation that All That Is, is ALWAYS with me, even if I think that I can not hear it. I ended up putting those pussywillow branches in a pot and she grew all summer, then in the fall, I placed her in my garden where she has grown into a young, strong beautiful tree. Any time I think that the Divine has forgotten about me, I go outside and look at that lovely tree and my heart fills with gratitude…

To find out more about Caroline and the other people we talked about, click on the embedded links below

Caroline Fairless ~ www.restoringthewaters.com

Diane Jackson ~ animal communicator ~ 919.632.8719

Pema Chodron ~ www.pemachodronfoundation.org

become quiet and listen to the podcast