GVK gets moonstruck with astrologer Kathy Kerston

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Grandmother Moon oh, Grandmother Moon, what a glorious moon You are!  She watches over us, moving the tides and lighting our way in the evening.  Some years ago, my family of four found ourselves at the end of our proverbial rope.  We were on top of a mountain, after a lovely afternoon hike, as the sun set! We had to make our way down a mountain in the dark. The kids were 8 and 5.  We couldn’t see the trail signs and we were beyond scared.  I moved us ahead listening to my inner voice as a guide and it took all  my concentration not to FREAK out.  Just as we came to a place that was beyond dangerous, that inner voice told me to move to my left. As I did, the Moon in all her glory gently emerged from a cloud to guide me and my family to safety. Whew!

This was not the first time Grandmother Moon came to my rescue.  One of my soul sister’s, Jillian, and I came under the influence of a super moon in our 20’s.  We were both down on our luck and not sure which step to take to move beyond where we had taken our lives at that point.  We sat outside on the steps of her parent’s house and became inspired by what we called “Cosmos Moon” (from the movie Moonstruck)  We drank too much, cried a lot and then laughed until our sides literally hurt.  We began the process of healing that night…

And why am I waxing poetic about the moon???

Because the super moon has just passed and this moon has a deep meaning.  And what better way to understand our cosmos than astrology!  It is such a fabulous tool to understand things outside of ourselves and ultimately to bring it back home to within ourselves.  Kathy Kerston, Astrologer and Metaphysician could hold your attention for hours with her knowledge and practice.  She gives us such an in-depth overview of the past super moon and the new moon coming up, so get your pens ready to take down all the information from the podcast.

To learn more about Kathy Kerston and book a reading with her, please visit ~ www.kathykerston.com

To learn more about the things we discussed please follow the embedded links below ~


Celestine Prophecy

let the moon guide your tides with this podcast