GVK, Judith Diana Winston & the sacred glyphs

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gvk-final-01How could a little symbol change your life? Just ask Judith Diana Winston and she will tell you all about glyphs. Not only is Diana is a prolific author~

Meditative Magic;The Pleiadean Glyphs

The Keeper of the Diary

But she also received important transmissions and brought forth sacred geometry glyphs~ these glyphs hold energy to a particular aspect of consciousness. They are “ancient wisdom and knowing for the upliftment of Mankind and consciousness.” They bring your thought into alignment with the Divine. And we all know that we can’t change our behaviors until we change our thoughts.

When I was in training to be a channel for the LaHo~Chi energy, my teacher, Dan Watson, gave us two glyphs to add into our spiritual toolkit. For me, life is so much easier to flow with when I have tools to assist! I focused on the “Creativity” glyph, because, creativity is not only my livelihood, it is my life. I knew nothing about where this design had come from or what it truly held. However, I trusted that Dan would not steer us wrong. And so, I have worked with and received from the glyph for 8 years now. Whenever I am “blocked” that is to say, get in my own way, I get quiet and meditate on the glyph. I wrote my second solo show while using the assistance of the Creativity glyph.

creativity glyph

Reach out to Judith Diana Winston at www.thekeeperofthediarybook.com 

Meditative Magic is a glyph workbook and you can take the glyph cards out to use easily. I may have started with only one glyph, but, now that I have access to all of them, I am tuning in, turning on and Receiving…xoK