GVK knows the Divine Self with Marsha Mason

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Marsha Mason is the perfect example of being who you are, not being what you do! She has had many incarnations in this lifetime so far. She was a highly celebrated actress in Hollywood, then she was the owner of the Abiquiu Farm in New Mexico (where she learned about Biodynamic Farming), and now has the natural skincare product line ~ Resting In The River  Natural Products ~ from her work on that farm.

Marsha’s deep spiritual practice with Swami Muktananda and Gurumayi has brought her to knowing who she is on a Divine level

And that’s the goal isn’t it?  To know oneself through the eyes of the Divine. We desire to but be who we are and let that inform what we do. That was the hardest part for me!  And it was coming into a deep spiritual practice that showed me that above all, I am a spiritual being. There are different aspects of me that go into everything that I do, certainly.  And those things are pieces to the puzzle that is me.  I’ve had over 50 jobs in my life and in every single one of those jobs, I brought a different aspect of myself to the forefront. Even as a parent, I bring only aspects of myself forward.


I can now say that I am at peace with who I am and happy to bring that to what I do. For it is only with the Divine that I am I fully100% who I Am…