GVK & Elizabeth Murphy talk about dreams

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Elizabeth Murphy calls herself the “organization whisperer” and I call her a facilitator of dreams. She has helped numerous organizations from health to the arts by bringing their dreams into a reality. And that got us talking about dreams ~ what they mean to us and the messages we have received. Elizabeth and I have all experienced premonitory dreams ~ dreams that give you a slice of the future. Elizabeth had a dream that was a slice of a day from September 11th, the day the Twin Towers fell in New York City. She had this dream for years, until the actual day when it manifested. My premonitory dreams feel Super alive. The colors are more vivid, the sounds more crisp and I feel ultra alert in them. Elizabeth and I have come to listen to our dreams and look to them to guide us through our waking lives. Or as Elizabeth says ‘live in the world behind our eyes’. Elizabeth talks about how the teachings of Caroline Myss the medical intuitive, changed her perspective and helped her embrace what is unseen in our lives. Carolyn asks do we want to have an “au de toilet, cologne or a perfume” life.  And we all agreed that the perfume life is something we all desire and that life will look different for everyone.

Elizabeth had always wanted to write poetry and had the great fortune to meet and talk with poet Seamus Heaney and be inspired by him. We talked about the book One Wild Life by Clare Mulvany and taking the leap into your desired life.

 Poulnabrone Dolmen

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