GVK welcomes Capricorn

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Kathy Kerston helps us bring in the energy of Capricorn!  We have the New Moon and the Winter Solstice that welcomes this sign in.


A couple of things to help you understand the podcast are:

Jupiter rules faith, optimism & higher education

Mercury is how we think and what we choose to believe

Saturn’s gift is wisdom & discipline

Capricorn rules the 10th house which is destiny, prestige and career

Neptune is the miracle maker

Pluto is control

Uranus is change and freedom

Solstice energy

New Moons are beginnings

Opportunities are coming, but, change is the name of the game here. Get ready and embrace it. Always remember that what you focus on is what you will manifest, so if you get lost in the fear of change, it will not make it easier for the change to move through.

My parents always said to me, “the only constant in life is change, Kristin”.  It used to aggravate me to no end because at that time, my teen years, change was blowing my doors off and I was Very uncomfortable. The more I tried to keep things from changing, the more struggle I had. Sigh. Ultimately, I have come love change.  Above all~

Have the wisdom to listen to your intuition for which path to take

when the changes begin to unfold. You can start now by listening to the podcast…