GVK delves into the unconscious

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It was so refreshing to chat with Esther Bertram on GVK! She brings such rich thoughts and tools to the table to help us create a bridge from the subconscious to the conscious mind. Creative visualization is one of the more powerful tools she discusses with us.  She uses this tool to tap into the creative realm and co~create her reality.  One of my “bibles” when I began my spiritual quest was Creative Visualization by Skakti Gawain. I practiced at every free moment until it became second nature for me to “see” and create my life.


Esther’s desire to awaken humanity to it’s life creating powers has lead her to write an amazing augmented reality book. It follows a vegan orphan rock star and soul warrior, named November Fox,  who travels dimensions of time and consciousness to unlock the cube of self. Wow, talk about bridging the sub with the con of the mind!

Check out Esther’s kickstarter campaign with the embedded link below

November Fox

November Fox ★ A Multi-Dimensional Augmented Reality Novel's video poster

Sigh, the subconscious mind…

for the longest time I didn’t even know that I had one!  Then when I did find out about it I started to fight with it. Today I move very differently ~

today I am at peace with my subconscious.

I came to understand that the information that my subconscious gives me is ancient.  Whether it’s ancient from my childhood or ancient from a past life, it was placed there long ago in situations that no longer resonate with my life. It was meant to protect me and I don’t need protection like that anymore. I’m no longer a child I do not live in the past life.

I co~create and manifest my life consciously today but before I could do that, I had understand what my subconscious was telling me.  And so I had to build that bridge that Megan and I talk about with Esther.  It takes practice, but, now I can ask myself, and

get a clear Divine answer

“is this feeling from the past?” “does this reaction have to do with the present?” “how am I truly feeling?” In the quiet, the Spirit world will always answer. Sometimes the answer comes with resounding power, but, most of the time, it is the small still voice from within that holds the key to Truth…

make that bridge with this podcast