GVK wraps up the year

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This is the last podcast/blog of 2013 ~ Thank You!  all for following and listening to GVK these past six months!! The time has flown by for me and I have taken the time I needed to grow and learn what works and what can be discarded. I am grateful to Megan for being a fabulous producer/teacher as she had the patience of a saint while I was entering the world of blogging/facebooking! I am grateful that she effortlessly moved into the position of co~hostess which helped deepen my vision with GVK. And most of all, I thank my dear friend, Dawn, who became the channel for which GVK was first presented! As we move out of one year into the next, I think deeply about my desires for manifestation in the upcoming year. I have big dreams and big visions. I always have.  My Higher Self often surfaces to remind me not to over expect and to keep me in my day. While I have dreams for myself, most of my desire is for the world at large. Certainly, GVK is an avenue that I created to meld the two together.

I am unwavering in my belief that Anything is possible if we believe and work together ~ world peace, a pristine Earth, healthy food for all, the honoring of our animal/insect brother and sisters, the embodiment of our Highest Selves ~ ANYTHING!

See you all next year…

Believe and listen to the podcast