GVK rides up the chakra river with Janet Conner

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I was so blown away by the information that Janet Conner shared regarding chakras that I was speechless for most of this podcast! I was most moved by her experience with Swan and the 6th chakra.

Janet is the author of The Lotus and the Lily and Writing Down Your Soul.

In Native American lore, Swan, as a duckling, enters the Void and surrenders to Great Spirit’s vision. She trusts what she is shown and is thus transformed into a graceful elegant white bird.

When I entered my teen years I couldn’t have felt more like an ugly duckling if had tried. It wasn’t about what I looked like on the outside however, it was about how I felt on the inside. My parents thought I was weird and couldn’t find a common ground to communicate with me. Teachers found me frustrating. And there were factions of the student population that simply wanted me dead. I believe that was the first time that I entered the Void. I had to Know who I was at a time when knowing who you are is the biggest struggle of your life.

I did not experience the Void as gracefully as Swan did my first time in. I didn’t want to be different. I didn’t want to have strange dreams with spirits talking to me. I didn’t want to know what people were feeling before they did. I didn’t want to grieve the Earths torture. I didn’t want to have Big emotions and Big feelings. I just wanted to be normal. Sigh. Normal, I am not ~ and today I celebrate that. But, the remembering of who I Am took time, healing and love.

I have been shown many things during my excursions in the Void. But the thing that I take to my heart and have instituted into my life is to Trust that I matter. Trust that I am an integral part of this wonderful, heartbreaking, exciting, maddening and empowering adventure called Life. And that all the crazy, painful, strange, exciting experiences I have will be transmuted into healing through my storytelling. when I share my experiences through storytelling, I lead people to a healing. I am here to bridge the gap between human and spirit ~to lead people to remembering their Divinity…

to learn more about Janet Conner and her fabulous books follow the link below


follow the links below to learn more about what we talked about ~

Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss,  Chakras by Hirsh Johari, Miester Eckhart, Cynthia Bourgeault

awaken your ancient chakra knowledge with this podcast