GVK and Julie Genovese delve into the Divine part 2

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Welcome back wtih Julie Genovese and connecting with the Divine! Why do we resist what we know will keep us connected? It is very important for me to meditate on a daily basis. Yet sometimes, I just check out and watch TV until very late and then I am “too tired” to meditate. Yet, when I go to bed, I am restless. Why? Because I have not given my soul it’s important time to have a conscious contact with All That Is. Julie, Megan and I all agree that ritual is a very important part of connecting with our Higher Selves and the Divine. Recently, I was doing some deep soul writing with Janet Conner’s The Lotus and The Lily. The word Yahweh came to me over and over and over ~ it was non stop! I had no idea what this word was or what it meant, so I looked it up and I discovered that it is the original Hebrew name for God!! Well, I knew that I was being called by the Divine and that was very powerful for me because it means that the Divine is as excited to connect with me as I am with It…

check out the meditation cd that we talked about: I AM by Wayne Dyer 

and to find out more about Julie Genovese   www.nothingshortofjoy.com

listen to the podcast and delve in