GVK explores deep spirituality

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Christina Lundberg, Buddhist Film maker, and I explored the upside of a deep spiritual practice.  Because here is the fact of life~

It is our Divine birthright to Know and radiate our Higher Selves.

But, how do we move into that birthright? We move past self grasping.  We move out of the quest for self and into the Knowing of our Higher Self.  That, my friends, takes practice.  And for me, it is practice toward the goal of the Self that keeps me from losing my mind sometimes.

Learn about Christina’s incredible film, For the benefit of all beings, about Garchen Rinpoche and his powerful message

I lived half of my life thinking that everything that I saw with my eyes, felt with my emotions, and touched with my hands was all that there was for me to experience. Then I woke up. But, oh, that slumber was painful.  Because I think that I knew that there was something else ~ something bigger, more profound, more beautiful  ~ when I was little and I pushed it all down out to get away from the things that I could not explain.  That becomes the malady of our human~ness. We come here Knowing, then forget and sometimes never wake up. And that seems so silly to me! Why don’t we keep that remembering??? Sigh. I do not know. But, I do know that when I woke up out of that numbing pain, I was free.  And in that freedom of Spirit, I began to thrive instead of survive.

And that’s the goal right? To thrive. To share our unique light with this world. To become good shepherds to our Earth and to each other.  Because when we share our Light we receive more Light and so it goes, ad infinitum…