GVK Heals Through Horses

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Judy Schneider knows horses. She also knows healing. When the two of these energies combine, you have alchemy.


Judy’s next Weekend Women’s Warrior Retreat is May 29~31

What is it about horses that makes us feel so good? For me, it goes into a deeper layer of existence. It is a connection to my Native American past life. It harks back to a time when people lived in harmony, not only with each other, but, with the Earth. It is flying on the ground, with the wind whipping around me, breathing the deep clean air, perceiving with my sixth senses, as I trust Horse to carry me. It is Power. It is Freedom.

And with that memory quietly beckoning me in my dreams, it is heartache

I would muck out the stalls at the local horse racing barn for hours just for the honor of brushing down the horses at the end of the day. During the uncertain times of my early teens, nothing was stable. My emotions were in turmiol, my heart ached, and my body was becoming something new. The only thing that grounded me were the horses.  It was a comfort to be with these magnificent animals.  I didn’t realize that they were interacting with me on an energetic level. All I knew is that I felt better after being with them.

There are so many ways that pieces of us break off and hide away. So many ways that we forget our Holiness. But, Horse never forgets. Horse lives It’s majesty and reminds us of our Divine heritage.

Horse Totem from Medicine Cards

“…In understanding he power of Horse you may see how to strive a balanced medicine shield…Compassion, caring, teaching, loving and sharing your gifts, talents and abilities are a the gateways to power.”