GVK lets the heart do the talking

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chakra fourAhhhh, the heart. Can’t you feel it? The rhythmic, pulsing, there, in the center of your being. It is calling you, beckoning you, and encouraging you to lead with your heart. Are you ready to heed the call of Love?

Ahhhh is the sound that we tone this magnificent muscle with and it’s element is Air. Although pink is the universal color of Love, the heart chakra glows a brilliant emerald green. The same green associated with Archangel Raphael ~ the Archangel in charge of healing and health. Raphael means “God heals” or “He who heals” in Hebrew. Which makes sense because in order to put forth and accept love, our own hearts must be healed.

This chakra sits in the center of our being and connects the lower & upper chakras. If this chakra is imbalanced, the other 6 chakras will not have a way to connect to each other fully.

We often associate love with romance, but, the heart chakra love is a Divine one.  And sure, we all love romance and the love of partnering, but, how can we love another without first loving ourselves? When I began my spiritual quest in earnest, I began to heal my heart, my emotions and my body from deep brutality. During that time, it was important for me to distance myself from my family of origin to come to the truth about who I really was, not who I was defined by them. Setting up this boundary was a form of self love, something I had never done before. It freed me to discover my gifts and talents and to own my personal power. It freed me to truly learn, experience, and Know Love…

free your heart with this podcast