GVK looks into the future with the 6th chakra

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The sixth chakra is a gateway into the future.  The color is a deep indigo blue and the element is light.  This chakra sits in the center of the brow, creating a triangle with the eyes. The sound associated with it is a soft o ~ ooooo. When spinning freely, this chakra opens awareness on a multidimensional level, fully immersing us in the bigger picture vision of life as a Soul.  It is also the gateway to Dreams.

Since I can remember, I have had vivid and profound dreams.  A reoccurring dream of mine that followed me into my college years was a cacophony of voices of all different pitches calling my name over and over and over.  I found it absolutely terrifying as a child, but, came to understand much later that the voices were souls reaching out to me.  I believe that they were reaching out in support, because the “dream” always came through when I was in deep despair and stress. 

The sixth chakra opens us to the future and then to possibility.  If we are sitting in a place of hopelessness, our sixth chakra is out of balance.  I recently read an article about a hard core, long time environmental activist, Paul Kingsnorth, giving up and falling into despair.  Sigh.  I found myself falling with him as I read the article, but, then said “WAIT!  I need a rebalancing of my third eye.”  Because clear vision helps us see beyond what the material world presents, it helps us see things in a Divine light.

Now, on my spiritual journey, I can almost always to see beyond what is presented to me in the physical world.  Being able to open to that kind of Vision helps me continue to do my part in making this world a more conscious and balanced place.  To keep my focus on what I Am doing, not on what I can’t do.  Some time ago, I spoke with an old colleague of mine.  His daughter was turning 10 and mine was just born.  I was remarking how wonderful it was to be a child today because of the awareness around parenting that our parents did not possess.  He freaked out at me exclaiming “Are you kidding?! It’s a horrible time to bring kids into the world. Everything is a mess, we are going to run out of water and the only thing our kids will inherit is pollution!”  Who do you think needed a 6th chakra balancing…

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