Kristin and Green Diva Meg dream a big dream

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I love talking about dreams. And by dreams, I mean the kind you long for, the one that gets you up in the morning ~ the one that makes your soul sing. We all have that thing that we Know that if we could just find a way to make it happen, life would be sweeter. Sometimes we put it away because life seems to hurtle us to another dimension, but, that thing, the thing that you still hold close to your heart, it is still inside you waiting to be born.

My dream was a long time in the making. I had to go through a lot of transmutting before I could find my true Voice and let my True Self shine through. I have had zillions of jobs from every possible venue as I have moved along in my life. My Soul Sister, Jillian, keeps asking me to write a book about the wonderful, insane and life changing experiences I have had (maybe someday, but, I think it would make a better movie!) Each one of them helped me hone my gift of storytelling. When I look back, it was the jobs that gave me the most pain that moved me closer to where I wanted to be because it was a booming example of what I did not want. And as I gathered information on what I did not want, it helped me become clear about what I did want. But, for me, the Dream is more than what I want (because if I had gotten all that I wanted so far, I would have drastically shortchanged myself) but, it is something that personifies who I Am. Which leads me to knowing myself on the Soul level. It leads to the clarity that I Am Divinity made manifest on this Earth here and now, and understanding that leads me to the Dream that supports what makes me special as that Divinity. And it took me a long time to see myself in that realm, and frankly, sometimes I forget and get mired in my human experience. But! That is where my soul friends and my partner in life, Jeff, come in!!! 

So, to all of you Dreamers ~ bring it forth and manifest your deep high vibrational desires to spread joy and love onto this Earth!! 

listen to the podcast and dream the big dream