GVK & Julie Genovese – shifting perspectives

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I am so happy to have Julie Genovese, author of Nothing Short of Joy back on GVK!

Julie has a great phrase called ~ going to the “Spiritual Pub”. Meaning that we go to a place in the spirit realm to pick different things that would be interesting or growth experiences for the soul. For her it was dwarfism. She thought that would be a great adventure as she was looking at her choices up at the “pub”. Yet, when she got here, she forgot that she thought it would be great and got mired up in “being different” and then explored the feelings of that for a time. Of course, then comes the shift in perspective! Looking at a situation from our Higher Self experience can shed light on our choices and bring more peace.

I love the spiritual teachings of Pemma Chodron which help us see life in a different light and therefore give up the illusion of separate~ness. I feel that we have contracts with people to help us along our path to enlightenment here. Those people seem like the least likely to be our “helpers”, but, their interactions in our lives bring about the most profound awakenings. There have been so many times that I have wondered “why would I pick this!” so, believe me, it is not always easy to see the Higher view on these things!! Meditation and prayer help me tremendously. And I am blessed to have friends and a fabulous husband who help me stay balanced. They give me a safe place to bounce ideas and feeling off of. And it is always wonderful to meet someone like Julie and fold her into my circle…

Listen to the podcast and experience the shift